A Virtual Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul
by Lib Campbell
A Night Prayer
August 9, 2012
Almighty God, night falls on a day filled with so much emotion that all I can do is turn to You. You who calms the storm, You who waters the land and brings forth life. So much works against the joy that comes from You. Tonight I pray for a heart of love and forgiveness. Help me to walk with strength in places that would tear me down, and find joy in the ordinary and extraordinary blessing of the day that is beyond the pain. Thank you for health, for a covenant community, for family, and for home. Give me strength to be gracious in the face of trouble. Give me a remembrance that will protect me from evil, and a peace that will fuel hope. Clear my heart of hurt and sadness and renew my faith. Only You are God. And tonight, I am thankful that I am yours and that you love me beyond my faults. You know me and love me still. Thank you, God. Amen.Newer post
The Journey of Red Hutch
August 27, 2012
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A Lectionary Thought
July 31, 2012