A Virtual Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul
by Lib Campbell
A Promise in the Clouds
August 28, 2012
"I have set my bow in the clouds and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth..... I will remember my covenant that is between me an you.... I will not destroy you." Genesis 9 edited a little bit, but this is what I just felt as I sat after a long few weeks in this place that we love on the river. So much has dampened our joy and tested our good will. God who knows our pain shows up. Without any "I told you so's" or other critical remarks. Thank you, God. I was sitting in the living room. Our young builder was finishing his day's work as a sprinkling cloud passed over. Setting sun offered the perfect venue and God showed up in a rainbow that took my breath away. I wept in the promise I remembered. "I will not destroy you." My little life and my weakness in dealing with labor before blessing has taken a spiritual toll. Too often I fail to remember blessing in the midst of struggle, goodness that is stronger than evil. God sent a reminder in a rainbow that took me to the beach to witness for about thirty minutes. The storms of life rage around us all. For me, it is sometimes easy to fall into a misery and pity that 98% of the world would swap me for in a heartbeat. Forgive my weaknesses, O God. Thank you for reminding me of your constant presence in the midst of struggle. The assurance of your ongoing presence and love are blessing beyond my imagining. Be with those in the eye of the storm tonight. Suffering is the way of this world, but you, O Lord, bring joy and peace in your promise in the clouds. As the rainbow fades into the cloud, and cloud gives way to waxing moon, I give thanks for Your covenant promise that you will not destroy me, that I and all your creation are precious and claimed as good. Thanks be to God. Amen.Newer post
For All the Saints
November 4, 2012
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The Journey of Red Hutch
August 27, 2012