A Virtual Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul
by Lib Campbell
Lectio Divina and Psalm 27
February 19, 2013
The great blessing of time in lectio divina today... besides the time spent with the Living Word in Scripture... was being in the company of saints in communion and song and silence. The Spirit was so present. The Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Light and the Presence of Holiness among us was palpable and so real it was hard to leave. But the Spirit always sends us out, into a waiting world, to share the story and spread the love. I share my reflection on Psalm 27 in hopes that A Virtual Church may rise up to be the salt and the leaven Jesus calls us to be. Lenten Blessings to you all. Psalm 27 - The words that hooked me ... ' "Come," my heart says...' Even as a old woman, the naiveté of my faith is that I still believe the simple invitation of the faith is "come." Come see the face of God in your sisters and brothers who sit beside you in the pew. Come taste the bread and drink the cup and see that God is good. Come gather in prayer and praise at the foot of the Cross and know the healing power of the Lord. There is a misconception somewhere in the church that says we have to be big and grand and flashy and slick and professional, as if we are in a race with culture or seeking some reward or at least bragging rights. What if the invitation were... "Come"... be small and go deep. Come not for program, but for relationship with Christ and with other people. Come. Abide in Holy Presence till you are soaked through and shining in the world. Come, my heart says. Your face is what I seek. Sacrament, Song, and Silence is where you are, O God; This is where I see your face. If this were the church's hope, would the world be redeemed? What if the church saw itself as leaven and salt in the world? Not an end all and be all, but a catalyst for transformation and a seasoning that gives the world around a taste of the Kingdom of God. Is this too far fetched? Amen.Newer post
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Wilderness, Evil, and the Opportune Time
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