A Virtual Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul
by Lib Campbell
My One Vote
November 6, 2012
It is 6:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, November 6, 2012. Polls on the East Coast will open at 6:30 and remain open until 7:30 this evening. Lines will likely be long at polling places and Americans across this nation will exercise one of the greatest freedoms on the planet, the freedom to offer one vote. Tension in the political arena is nothing new. From the time of the Greeks, power has been heady and sought even through battle. I grew up hearing a phrase that I no longer believe to be true. "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you." That statement is simply not true. Words can hurt; words can bring great pain. Candidates who run for office are setting themselves up to be run through a grinder of soundbite and YouTube. No time or space is private. And I might say, "They ought to watch themselves more carefully." Character assasination becomes the game and we seem to delight in ripping people apart with our words. People are even hired on campaign committees to dig out the dirt and weave it into sensational story that is intended to seed doubt and mistrust. Such one-upmanship takes us to a dark, seedy place. All for my one vote. My sacred vote. One of the only things in the world that is truly mine to offer. Such privilege I do not take lightly. The candidates may think themselves the stars of the day, but they are not. You are, I am... when we go to the polls and speak our voice with a vote. God holds this day. The sun is rising behind me and my heart rejoices. "God said let there be light and there was light. This very day our God has acted. God's name be praised. Alleluia. Amen." The outcome of the day is held already. I have done my part. I have cast my one vote. Sure. I have candidates that I favor, but I trust this process enough that whoever wins, battle scarred as they may be, will rise up and serve the best they can. When the dust settles, there is great work to do, great work to pull us up and help us recover. There are churches open today for prayer. Find one. Be among the people of God and pray for wisdom to fall upon all who are elected, for forgiveness to flow freely from the hearts of those who cannot govern with a hardened heart. May our words be tenderized in your Spirit and kindness, generosity, and hope spring forth in this battle-weary place. We the people speak today. Above the roar of media and the long days of negative words, we act. May the work of the people today be pleasing to God. May my one vote be peace. Amen.Newer post
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