The race is on

August 22, 2024

We are stuck in what increasingly seems to be a never-ending election cycle. The 2020 election is still being litigated, as election deniers keep spouting “FOUL.” Disinformation is being dished out like candy by Iranians, Russians, the Chinese and Elon Musk, among others. Fundraising emails are coming by the bucket full, and past donations are never enough. 
There are two starkly different campaigns being run. Media coverage and campaign ads come at us ad nauseam. One is the same old, same old that has been run by Maga Republicans since 2016. Cruelty, bombast, name calling. It’s old and tiresome to keep hearing all this chaotic bull. Donald Trump seems increasing irritable and off script. The people who eat up his nonsense seem locked into his policies. This makes me wonder if they really know what his policies will be, as Agenda 47, aka Project 2025, are put into effect if he is elected again.  
The Democratic agenda is being criticized as social progressivism. If feeding children and taking care of women’s health, protecting the Affordable Health Care Act and voting rights, saving Medicare and Social Security are progressive, then what the Republican’s plan must be called is regressive. 
Lordy, what are we to do? 
I like the hope and joy, forward look and vibes of the Harris-Walz campaign. The DNC Convention has been a spectacular celebration of all that is good in America. I feel a deep exhale when they paint the picture of a future with opportunity and justice for all. These are the marks of a forward movement. History and time always move us forward. Future-casting is what hopeful people do.
I admit, the thoughts of an authoritarian state, a police state, where there are no checks and balances, where voting becomes a farce – like it is in Russia – scare me. The deconstruction of the constitution to accumulate power in one person’s hands should scare all of us. I think people simply don’t know this is the plan. 
Joe Manchin in his recent NYT interview with Michelle Cottle talked about his stance as a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I understand this position. Social programs need sustainable funding built through equitable tax policy. There always needs to be a safety net for those who cannot take care of themselves. But I have seen first-hand how programs like WIC are abused and taken advantage of. Reformation of social programs can be done in measured ways. Remembering the mantra, “Do No Harm” is always a wise way forward. 
I don’t like the way Donald Trump denigrates the military. He who never served reveals himself as shallow and mean-spirited. He has hurt many people in his snide resentments of military service. You may be alright with the denigration, but I think we can be better than this. 
The race we are running is a race to preserve our Democracy. As flawed and sloppy as it can be, at least we have a voice to protest, a vote and the ability to run for office to make it better. Building up is always a lot harder than tearing down. If you have ever built a sandcastle, you know this is true. There are always forces bent on tearing things down. Most of them have no vision for what will replace what is lost, but in the case of other democracies that have been toppled, an iron fist is often what replaces it. I can’t believe anybody wants that. 
When the 2020 election happened, many of us were hopeful that the crudeness and bellyaching would end in a peaceful transfer of power. We see how that turned out. There are some who admit that Trump is running to avoid prosecutions facing him. And it appears, even in the DC trial, there is plenty to charge him with, despite the Supreme Court ruling on immunity. 
It amazes me that there are deniers who claim the January 6th insurrection was a figment of our imagination. Somehow, seeing with one’s own eyes is not valid or necessary to upholding truth. This is not just a national problem. The behavior of the MAGA crowd has permeated races up and down the ballots across the nation and in our state. I guess taking down the “deep state” is the great priority, replacing it with a bunch of sycophants. This country will never be the same and we will lose our place as world leaders.
We are in a bad place, and we still have a lot of time before this election on November 5th. So buckle up. I would say enjoy the ride, but I think the road will be littered with nastiness and lies. 
Lib Campbell is a retired Methodist pastor, retreat leader, columnist and host of the blogsite She can be contacted at  

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