A Virtual Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul
by Lib Campbell
Securities and Exchange
July 14, 2011
The discussion at breakfast this morning centered on investment portfolios and such. Moody's indicators and current fiscal climates are increasingly scary. The brink of financial ruin is not a comfortable location and certainly not a confidence building posture. News is filled with conversation and opinion, often conflicting, about the economy at all levels of play. My husband is a politico extraordinaire. He reads, thinks, discusses with a circle of thoughtful confidantes, the business of the day. Some of his friends are opting to cash out in gold. Others are opting for what amounts to mattresses. Many are sitting on the sidelines watching and hopeful that there will be a way out of the fray. Today's discussion was not the first we have had about futures and finances and financial security. I remember a foggy night in Lee County when we were trying to find our way to a friend's parsonage where we were invited for dinner. We were clearly lost - both on the road and in conversation. At the time Tom was involved in a business that advised companies in financial planning, security for the future. We began talking about our own future. Ticking through our own finances, we were adding up what we thought would be enough to secure us financially. It seemed like a huge total, one that would choke most horses. The angst was rising in the fog and beginning to ruffle the air around us. I remember saying, "It appears that both of us are in the securities business. But you and I sell different kinds of security don't you think?" The security the world sells is in stuff - stocks, bonds, consumer goods, IRAs, 401K, gold, precious minerals, real estate, ya da, yada. Stuff and piles of it. All well and good if/when you have it and when it is not up for grabs by the grabbers on each side of fences. The security God offers is not a treasure that can be eaten by moth and rust, or stolen by thieves who break in and steal. God's treasure is the kingdom where peace abides and goodwill reigns, God's kingdom where all are fed and clothed and cared for, God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. And it is among us as we live the ways of Christ. Such security is available to all who exchange worldly passions for that which is beyond. The blessing of Christ's security is not scarcity thinking, not isolationism, not fear and withdrawal, but assurance that abundant life is waiting on the other side of our "yes." Fear not, people of God. The One who keeps us as the apple of his eye and hides us in the shadow of his wings is waiting for us to exchange fear for the security of abundant life in Christ. Let us together pray for righteousness to rule the actions of those who govern us, and pray for the spirit of unity to guide us. Let us pray forgiveness for the ways we have made our money into idols, and pray renewal of faith that will make us whole. Amen.Newer post
Hart of my Heart
July 19, 2011
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This Day I Will Not Worry
July 13, 2011